Key Milestones
On 11 December 2023, Sigma Healthcare Limited (Sigma) and CW Group Holdings Limited (Chemist Warehouse) entered into a Merger Implementation Agreement, pursuant to which Sigma will acquire all the shares in Chemist Warehouse by way of a scheme of arrangement in exchange for a combination of Sigma shares and $700 million cash consideration.
On 8 March 2024, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) commenced its public review of the Proposed Acquisition and assessed whether the Proposed Acquisition could have the effect, or be likely to have the effect, of substantially lessening competition in any market in Australia.
On 7 November 2024, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) confirmed that it would not oppose the Proposed Merger between Sigma and Chemist Warehouse, subject to certain court-enforceable undertakings that the parties have made.
On 29 January 2025, both Sigma and Chemist Warehouse shareholders voted to approve the resolutions that support the Proposed Merger between both companies.
On 13 February 2025, Sigma and Chemist Warehouse began operating as a merged entity.
Undertaking to the ACCC
To address the ACCC’s concerns, Sigma offered an Undertaking pursuant to section 87B of the Act. Both the Undertaking to the ACCC and a plain English summary are available below.
You can read more about the ACCC public review on their website.