Acknowledging David Bayes’ achievements and contributions to Sigma over the past 14 years
David Bayes has retired after more than a decade as a member of Sigma’s Board. Since joining the Board in 2007, David contributed to Sigma’s success and growth as an organisation. While Sigma has faced its share of challenges during his time, including some remarkable periods of change, he leaves with the company now positioned very strongly for continued success.
David is rightly proud of what he’s been able to contribute during his time on the Board, saying “the thing I’m most proud of over the term of my service is the way Senior Management and the Board have worked co-operatively and tirelessly through some very challenging times and have always collaborated for the best interest of stakeholders – shareholders, customers and suppliers”.
“SIGMA today is a very well managed and well governed organisation which has surmounted many challenges and is in a very good place to reap the rewards of the last several years of significant investment and management efficiency gains.”
There’s no doubt that David leaves with Sigma in a far stronger position than when he first joined. We thank David for his time with Sigma and acknowledge his contribution to the organisation. All the best David and enjoy your well-earned retirement!