MPS Connect Launches new Electronic Medication Management (EMM) Software, MediSphere, to Aged Care
MPS Connect has launched its new Electronic Medication Management (EMM) software, MediSphere, to Aged Care. Placing aged care residents at the centre of what we do, MPS Connect has been working for 12 months with facility staff, doctors and nurses to build an EMM that supports facilities to maximise workflows and improve efficiencies.
Forest Lake Lodge, an aged care home in Brisbane, is the first to use the system for its 147 residents. Lenora Steele, Forest Lake Lodge CEO, commented that MediSphere will reduce the number of medications incidents within her facility. “Having a system like this not only makes medication rounds safer it also makes the workflow more effective and enables staff to spend more time with their residents.”
Intelligent Integrations
Forest Lake Lodge has also implemented a new clinical system called Person Centred Software which integrates with MediSphere. Intelligent integrations are the focus of the future reducing double handling and supporting holistic care. Having the two systems integrate provides the facility staff with confidence in how they are managing their residents. Forest Lake Lodge is excited to implement the best software, processes and procedures for staff to easily provide the best of care, using state of the art technology that enables better health outcomes for residents.
MediSphere’s unique clock face structure focuses on 24 hours of medication management with the resident at the centre of their own care. It is the first EMM to seamlessly integrate with PAINCHEK to provide full pain management, monitoring effectiveness of pain relief. MediSphere has been committed to reducing medication incidents that are so prevalent in aged care particularly around Insulin management and patch management. MediSphere provides an avatar to:
- show patch placement,
- ensure they are rotated around the body,
- provide a less intrusive way to ensure the patch stays on, and
- helping eliminate discomfort caused by the need for nurses to try to site a patch.
MediSphere has been created with intelligence to ensure correct doses are provided for insulin, linking seamlessly to the eNRMC module of the solution.
Full End-to-End Medication Management Solution
This launch completes the full end-to-end medication management solution, providing the true one client record with intelligent integrations being utilised. Luke Fitzgerald, General Manager of MPS Connect, said “What makes MediSphere so unique is that it was built by nurses for nurses. We took our time to consult with the end user to make sure we meet their daily needs. This is why the product is getting great reviews by the facility staff”.
Forest Lake Lodge staff stated it is such a pleasure to use a clean, sophisticated, fast solution when we are so strapped for time with all the current COVID pressures. The volume of agency staff coming through will find this easy and gives us confidence that our residents are being looked after.
MPS Connect is always striving for better health outcomes ensuring the resident always remains at the centre of whatever we do.